Welcome to another edition=Addition to what we are contributing as team players. Again, we would like to say thanks to you! We are improving communication effectiveness, enhancing communication through edification and visual stimulation.
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DownloadLet this be a ready word to you, we are only promoting idea's or strategizing a concepts to Improve Communication Effectiveness with potential supporters that specialize within the scope of business ethics.
With the help of promoting Mental Health Awareness in a society where ethical issues, demands an ethical response.
This web-site isn't about religion or politics as much as it is for the individual's mental reading comprehension exercise
as well as a self help guide to self developmental improvement
for the individuals well being.
A lifetime of work in progress for the self de·vel·op·ment process by which a person's character or abilities are gradually developed upon the consumption of this easy readers digest.
Indeed, for memory muscle and motivation to achieve self care.
The achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted in advance."winning the championship was the fulfillment of a childhood dream"the meeting of a requirement or condition contemplated.
contemplated look thoughtfully for a long time at.
"He sat on the carpet contemplating his image in the mirrors"
think profoundly and at length; meditate.
"He sat morosely contemplating"
After 2020 we are simply encouraging people to breathe easy and take each day one day at a time by using M.H.M'S
Mental Health Meditations and positive content with humor to start smiling again!
Smiling is the facial form of one's features into a pleased, kind amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.
"She was smiling" while he laughed!
"If life ever hands you a set of dentures put them in and smile!"
We are improving communication effectiveness by edification and visual stimulation by using self talk therapeutic techniques.
For the development of positive thinking and coping skills to help aid mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or simply the daily human challenges we all at some point experience.
This mean using practical reasoning skills that help foster creativity to problem solving. Direct content brand marketing strategies that promote psy·cho·log·i·cal wellness
improvement of an individual's mental state of mind.
Anxiety arises in the mind; related to the mental and emotional state of a person, inherited or by way of other reasons.
anx·i·e·ty: A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome."he felt a surge of anxiety..."
A mental condition characterized by excessive apprehensiveness about real or perceived threats, typically leading to avoidance behaviors and often to physical symptoms such as increased heart rate and muscle tension.
Information transferred into education, promotes
change when inspiration and determination produces demonstration.
"We never just arrive but we're always arriving."
Until an individual is in uniform he or she will constantly be a pawn of following the crowd, people, places and things.
The patterns of life design and the choices we make are the causes where one will get better or eventually come to ruin.
Patterns like habits are the things that can make or break you.
Patterns: generally involve repetitive action, a task or behavior engaged in frequently, often without giving it much thought.
A whole bag of apples can become compromised more easily when two or maybe a few are already rotten.
A few people and their habitual bad patterns or bad habits can eventually bring you to ruin also.
Bird's of a feather flock together.
Proverbs 1:1 He shall be like a tree planted
by the rivers of the water that brings forth his fruit in his seasons.
My point is life is about choices and as long as you're still alive you can always learn new good patterns that can lead you into pastures of wealth and rewards when you align yourself with people who are winner's who help you grow also.
Let your expectation for change lead you in ways that help make those expectations come true.
"The key is to read Food4Thought
Easy Readers Consumption."
Patterns are very similar complex styles of things all looking the same way all the time. Like someone or something used as a model to make a duplicate of the original type.
An individual must unravel their place in life while tolerating themselves longterm. You and I can be our worst enemy.
Enemy can be interpreted as
(in-n- me) or (en-e-me.)
Meaning the problem lies within the individual.
Your Attitude compensates for 10% of what happens
and 90% how you respond.
You create the ideal atmosphere for the kind of feeling
or mode in your environment .
If you want friends, show yourself friendly.
If you want positive things to happen, don't just flow through life but let life flow through you.
Negative energy only creates a climate for negative outcomes.
Be the thermostat who controls the tone of temperature for others in your environment.
It's true the way you see yourself, is the way others will also
the attitude of an individuals character effects their behaviors.
Until an individual makes the choice to change their mindset he or she can never really change their outlook.
You and I become who and what we are, while beholding whatever we think about mostly negative or positive.
The patterns we follow regularly eventually
we become ourselves, intentionally or unintentionally.
We ultimately reap what we sow and grow what we know
and when you know to do better, you do better.
Patterns: are recurrent ways of acting by an individual or a team toward a given object, in a given situation, or a recurrence of two or more responses that occur in a prescribed arrangement or order.
Many patterns develop and evolve through reward and punishment and are usually referred to as learned behaviors.
This can be for the positive or the negative depending what the patterns are associated with.
Being a product of your environment was not meant for
you to remain the product of an experiment or else you're just another product being bought off as cheap who's afraid to change the narrative by trying, despite of.
Defeat or reward is determined when one has set out to change their circumstances by at least attempting to change the narrative to the next chapter of life concerning you.
Needless to wander cluelessly but that's what we do,
we are people, who just want to know what to do next.?
Often times because it seems like no one is listening, we just settle and become flustered due to a lack of understanding
and resources.
"Personally, I've yet to figure out
the rubik's cube thing life is complicated enough!"
If you just stick to what you're good at you may be able to yield passive residual income with a sense of feeling like you've earned it which also adds to your confidence.
Sky's the limit if you are willing to go to that next level at what you're good at. Even if you were to open a hot dog joint called
"Ben Ken's Famous chilli dogs!"
Food4Thought Easy Readers Consumption is the catalyst to aiding the simple with information to encourage the reader
and challenge them to pass it forward, keep trying!
Catalyst= is something that causes activity between two or more persons or forces without itself being affected.
For instance "she took the Uber as her choice of transporting her around the town."
A portal to share information. An example, technology is the catalyst for creating or the making of cyber society citizens. Through social media and other advantages of digital human revolution communication.
The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
Whatever you practice the more of you'll become a part of
intentionally or unintentionally.
Repetition is the father of learning and the primary attribute before success while earning more authority and responsibility like a real estate property manager.
This comes with the territory of serving
others, any job worth doing is worth
doing well!
Trust is the corner stone to all longevity and rewarding relationships. Everyone doesn't have to like you just as
long as the right person like you.
Contrary to the statement trust no one. In order for you to get assistance or help with something you have to be able to trust someone, sometimes or else no one would be married.
Maslow proposed that motivation is the result of a person's attempt at fulfilling five basic needs: physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. According to Maslow, these needs can create internal pressures that can influence a person's behavior.
This is when your basic needs and wants are met like food, safety, shelter, love, self-esteem or any other essential need according to Maslow's law.
When your basic needs for survival are finally realized and accommodated then the realization of a person's full potential can be made manifest.
man·i·fest: Clear or obvious to the eye or mind display or show
(a quality or feeling) by one's acts or appearance; demonstrate.
"Ray manifested signs of severe depression"
"Mr. Palmer manifested a web-site to help Mr. Ray by Faith."
Pace yourself, so you can lace yourself. If you want to stay afloat you must learn to ride the waves of life by staying buoyant or afloat.
Don't just flow through life but let life flow through you!
~Breathe Easy People
Usually, by the age of 40 years old is when
we come to this peak place of realization and self-actualization but one could start sooner, if he or she was to get started on that challenge or journey for change into transition.
You wouldn't believe it although a man
declared it unto you.
"The reason I write is for those who lose sight so that someday they might choose a path that is bright."
We are all withering vessels who are forever wondering and forever learning until we finally find what we're searching for.
Forever coming into the knowledge of the truth until we produce our own truth.
Paying it forward is the rent you pay while living on earth.
My body of work are all efforts to try to help to convey an educated answer to some of life's questions.
There are three things that are precious however,
rewarding if adhered to. Time, talent and treasure!
Treasure is the consequence for what an individual has done in the morning of their lives.
This means you need to get started on something in order
for you to acquire the total or the sum as a result from something you do.
Something VS Nothing
Steady constant drips in the sink or bucket
is better than no drips at all.
The word sum is the equivalent to something you are doing that essentially determines your equivalence to the sum or something worked for earnestly or earned.
ear·nest·ly with sincere and intense conviction; seriously.
"they earnestly hope to come back in the summer"
However, if you never do nothing, you essentially have
no-thing VS something.
The value and time you labor regarding something that pertain to work. Hours VS Ours, is essentially your worth or invested time doing the necessary requirement in order to obtain the reward.
e·quiv·a·lent: A person or thing that is equal to or corresponds with another in value, amount, function, meaning, etc.
In other words the why, what, and who we are needs to be
explained. Only when the individual for themselves finally dis cover the err of their ways by making 5%course corrections for the development of the individual's growth and improvement.
What I have learned is if you don't do it for yourself
no one else is going to do it for you and if not now, when?
It's either now or never, just like the saying goes you reap what you sow and grow according to what you know.
It takes fortitude finance and faith to equivalent to something.
The some is the what you're putting together to make the whole or the sum. Every time you do something it potentially can become something better than before when modified or made better.
When something is important to you like M.H.M's are to me.
(Mental Health Meditation) or (Mental Health Minutes)
You have to be ready to revise or modify something maybe countless of times before it actually become the finished product. Listening to other peoples constructive criticism or professional experience can also be helpful for improvement as well.
If it wasn't for good mentors or other contributing rolls from someone else's recommendations like a good friend of mine, Mr. Knutti, I am grateful for his support in shadowing me to go the extra mile to qualify by enhancing a project MHM's by 40% more and my son Kaurte Palmer for his anointed ability to play the piano during the presentation of self-actualization.
Go into places or surround yourself around people who celebrate you VS tolerate you.
Those who challenge you to win are the people who are assigned to your assignment.
People who motivate you to do better, by giving clear sound advice for life. Live gratefully and give thanks everyday to show your appreciation for the small things in order to be blessed with an abundance.
Thankfulness, is the secret to contentment and without knowing this principle, it's impossible to go to the next level!
Grate·ful: A feeling or showing the appreciation of kindness; thankfulness.
I'm very grateful to you for all your help and support .
Whatever you're not using you're losing.
Nothing stays the same so this means everything around you and I are slowly decreasing by the day, hour and minute.
If not now ask yourself, when?
It takes fortitude to follow through with your word and not let fear steer you backwards or keep you procrastinating until you someday realize that time is an ally but it's up to you to make it an asset.
"I wish I had time to talk about time."
"Treasure is the consequence for what one has done in the morning of their lives..."
Virtually, if you have the activities of your limbs and you are clothed in your right mind you already won half the battle just by showing up.
Everything has a way of working itself out with a little added effort and patience to pace yourself in order to lace yourself.
A spoken word in due season needs the cooperation of your patience before it's fully ready to speak.
It takes faith and fortitude to carry out one's vision with favor or finance to produce what you want.
in·i·ti·a·tive: the ability to assess and initiate things independently."use your initiative, imagination, and common sense"the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.
It's all about influence when you start seeing yourself as someone who deserve to be in uniform and in the game of life.
"Player's only love you when you're playing."
The Declaration of Independence guarantees the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
When realized its not about the external material things as much as it is about the internal things, like a peace of mind.
The pursuit of happiness is defined as a fundamental right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence to freely pursue life in a way that makes you happy, as long as you don't do anything illegal to violate the rights of others.
Remember, your health is your wealth so take time for building self and you are essentially building wealth.
Contrary to the obituary you still matter!
He who controls the narrative
is the one who controls the story.
God is in control.
Live out loud in a way that honors the day of your arrival.
The chances your mother endured carrying you for nine months
was a miracle in itself. You are already excepted you don't have to try to be excepted because you are part of the creators plan.
The agony of birthing you with pain into the world
with all odds stacked against you and her for survival
was a miracle.
Pain was turned into joy when you finally arrived.
The point is sometimes the beginning of a thing might hurt and look ugly but stick around and your frowns can be turned upside down.
When I was a child I spake as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And God said let there be light and there was itsartonline.com
Man was the sixth day creation.
Everything was here for the man before he was created.
Male and female created he them:
After he made the man he rested on the seventh day.
The number seven 7 represents the number of completion.
Rest is essential to man's growth and development.
Leaving us an example to come and rest from our labors and weariness of mind and be restored.
Casting all of your cares on him: for he cares for you.
Meaning everything we need is already in reaching distance and whatever your looking for is already in seeing distance.
Notice after everything was created he looked and saw that it was good. Meaning if you're not using them, (talents)
you're losing it!
Creating content or the making of something could keep you inspired to feel appreciated of the work that was put into
the thing that was created.
Including you and I, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. "Now stand still and heal."
When the pupils are ready the teacher will appear.
Meaning you're creator created you as part of his creation to be creative so create through creativity.
Genesis 1:26 Let us make man in our image after our likeness.
Everything is about duplication being fruitful and multiplying.
Instead of excepting the narrative of the patterns of life's design get uniformed mentally and determined spiritually, meaning brainstorm a plan and invest in that plan by doing something worthwhile by investing in you for your children and grandchildren.
Then execute that vision and get your life in a cohesive uniform with a group of team players that help make you better.
Each individual is responsible for at least writing the vision and making it plain enough so another that read it might benefit thereby.
Everything you need is already in reaching distance and whatever your looking for is in seeing distance.
When working for a company you're defined as an employee based on the uniform or outfit that you wear to represent their establishment.
Never get to comfortable where you are but Always Make It Count A.M.I.C Mr. Mason said! "Success is only failure turned inside out, many would have won had they stuck it out!"
This badge of identity or uniform is a sense of ownership that symbolizes you contribute something to the establishment.
As a result the company is then obligated to yield wages to you as you help solve problems by way of contributing a roll as a team player.
A pleasing attitude can help keep your foot in the doors
longer when your work reflects it.
A pleasing attitude is the most you can do!
Life is 10% of what happens and 90% of how you respond.
Your attitude determines you altitude!
The right attitude is a disposition of having a harnessed positive mindset in knowing who you are, while confident enough to be content with where you're at. Meanwhile, looking to where you want to be.
Never settling but always thinking upgrade or re-in-vent.
re- means to do over: and over and keep doing over again.
Vent symbolizes exactly how it sounds,
to vent or to exhale or express what you are feeling.
We as people of story should find ways to express ourselves to initiate the reinventing process.
This may be through a variety of ways for demonstrating something that once was a thought now translated through a means of communication that benefit others.
And again, I would like to say thanks to you we are Improving Communication Effectiveness!
Iv'e always felt entrusted with a powerful assignment to write with a purpose to resuscitate, revitalize or restore other people's hurt by simply reminding them as well as myself,
it's OK to BREATHE..now relax and exhale.
Hu·man be·ing: mean we're all in the state of being... becoming while yet being made. You and I belong here we are not outcasts, or accidents we're just from displaced cultures from different backgrounds that have been subjected to the conditions we tolerate.
This stem from the concept of the statistic theory.
We are products of what our environments created.
These are environments that have negative conditions that could have negative effects on an individuals mental health im·mense·ly to a great extent; extremely.
The conditions of one's upbringing has a huge impact on how
data is traced and the prediction levels on how people will behave as a result of statistic mar·gin·al·izing.
treated with bias or prejudice.
(a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or
not important to the act of treating a person or group as though they are insignificant by isolating and/or disempowering them.
The term marginalized describes to the person or group that is treated insignificantly, pushed to the margins of society and rendered powerless.
The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others, "His insulting behavior toward me was rude.
"The way in which an animal or person acts in response to a particular situation.
However, currency and the value of capitalism/money
is one criteria that separates regular people from being able to enjoy their portion of leisures and pleasures that life has to offer.
The phrase the rich and the poor is an illusion status quo
or the object referred to as money, make this illusion a reality when you can't produce it. The piece of man made paper virtually becomes of more weight or value than the person.
Life styles of the rich and famous some die with the name some die nameless.~ The reason I write is for those who lose sight so that someday they might choose a path that is bright.
The average person just want to be loved and respected.
Society has projected images and put labels on people.
Genuine acceptance and validation begins from within. Success is defined by what the individual deem success to be according to what they've accomplish themselves.
This is why this is a special moment a unique season for you to be a recipient and supporter of this web-site campaign with applicable attributes to the reader for their best interest to get inspired to achieve greatness.
You are well beloved, remember, always remember that you are the purpose!
This is my way of making good on my promise to deliver something that could perhaps help a child, teen,
or someone who just need some confirmation to
believe God has a plan for your life.
We never stop learning, this is a contribution to my personal mental health and for my children's ammunition to be aware of as well.
Never underestimate or ignore your ability to make a difference by being the change you would like to see in the world.
We never stop learning and once you understand that knowledge is power you must apply what you've learned in order for power to be applied.
Power improperly used or not used at all is power wasted.
In a perfect world, we are imperfect beings,
being made perfect by the virtues that mold us into perfectionist.
Remember, caring is sharing, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Now catch your mind, and leave the past behind.
We are all capable of mistakes and temporary bad choices.
We are also capable of more than we give ourselves credit for as well.
We are in the state or process of being born again, so natural
so spiritual. Meaning we are all creatures being made better based on the knowledge and the learning patterns we practice. Only applied knowledge becomes power when utilized!
This is why we're called human beings. a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance. We are all unique rational creatures who live in a world where we are made to survive through our own unique survival skill tactics.
The word being means a manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teacher.
"We never just arrive, but were always arriving!"
In business it's always, what have you done for me lately.
Keep in mind that serving others, is the root to your fruit.
Make your next move your best move!
Meaning as long as you do the required part by sticking to a routine you are gradually becoming better and learning to create leverage and freedom for yourself longterm.
Remember to stick to the basics this
way you won't become complacent.
This is life's greatest mystery to learn how to adapt with the inevitable circumstances that come with living.
Do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do!
Passion at work will always manifest whatever it is you're thinking.
This means getting started on doing a hobby or craft that you can do well with the least amount of effort.
This will only increase your chances of learning
to perfect your craft until it is good enough for the universe to share without your further assistance. No one is perfect but if it's done well enough it could very well be just the right thing needed to provide the perfect solution to someone else's problem.
The key is to think and grow rich!
Humility is a virtue that goes a long way when rendering a service with the intent to demonstrate compassion that is encouraged by love.
If you don't love what you do you should probably try doing what you are most passionate about by putting it on paper then making it official by putting it into action transformed into a service that solely help solve other peoples problems.
Whatever you do remember, people
don't want you, they want your service.
Meaning detach yourself from emotional temper tantrums and reverse your stinking thinking, less of self and more of others.
Having responsibility keeps an individual grounded knowing you don't have any authority, unless you're under authority.
Furthermore, it is a privilege indeed, nothing is guaranteed.
This means in order to ever have something of worth and value you must be a good steward of another man's estate first.
This is earned through cooperation and dedication with regards of another person's wants or needs.
People don't care what you know until
they know that you care.
Whatever you sow you shall reap and in order to get your problems solved you must get involved.
What you put out it comes around again, and if you build it
they'll come.
Be not weary in well doing,
you too shall reap in due season
if you faint not.
Meaning encourage yourself along the way because at the end of the day you're entitled by entitlement
when you do the required part 80%-20% rule.
Format a formula then get into formation,
finally following fruits of fruition.
Remember to pace yourself, so you can lace yourself.
An individual must be joined to or become a part of a team of individuals who are in uniform with order in order to be vast productive as a group or an individual.
Pro·duc·tive: Achieving or producing a significant amount or result.
Pro·duce: To make or manufacture from components or raw materials. Build, construct, make, or to manufacture pictures.
Most people want to feel like they're a part of something
like a community or team by contributing a roll as someone
of importance. When given this opportunity this make the
individual given the chance as a player to become better.
Why, because now he or she has the needed support and resources to flourish. We have to pair of everything on our bodies because together everyone achieves more.
Two feet, ten toes, two legs, ten fingers, two arms,
two eyes, two ears, you get the picture right.?
No one can do it alone, there is no I in the word team
but there is an I in the word WIN!
Together everyone achieves more!
itsartonline.com the staple of ART THERAPY.
What's Important Now is the acronym for W.I.N.
Where no counselor is the people fall
but among a multitude of counselor's there is safety.
Carve out new patterns in your life and start living and doing better by living healthier mentally, physically and spiritually.
It's ok to be different, difference make people and everything distinctly unique.
dif·fer·ent: not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality, distinct; or separate.
Nothing is the same or intended to be identical
so be who you are and aspire to shoot
for the moon you just may land amongst
the stars.
Besides it's too late in the evening of life to ask
for a receipt or to be someone else. Be yourself!
You might be able to use a receipt to return a product at Walmart but unfortunately, you and I are S.O.L
Sorry, but life goes on...
Just be who you are! It's not over till God says it's over.
Replace your old ways and bad habits by upgrading your thinking and acquired taste for change, then see yourself changing for the better.
If you are single or in a relationship with children let them be the motivating reason for your transition to change.
tran·si·tion: The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another to undergo a process or period of transitioning. "He transitioned into filmmaking easily!"
However, do it for you because you owe it to yourself first.
"The reason I write is for those who lose sight, so that someday they might choose a path that is bright!"
"It's better to have sown good in the field, than to have gone through life, never to have planted a seed at all."
The trash can is where you will find the most used items and thrown away garbage which is considered unwanted waste.
This means the things that are considered trash, actually was deemed as value or worth at some point before it became actual trash. If you bought it, it was once considered value.
If not, it would've never been purchased in the first place.
Isn't it true how one person's trash, could be another persons treasure. Always remember you are important!
"You wouldn't believe it although a man declared it unto you. It's By Faith" it's a real treasure!
I would consider my life as one who surfaced from the bottom of the pile of stuff by recycling my mind with a positive attitude and disposition of mind with deliberate intents to qualify.
We are people of existence we are fearfully and wonderfully made all of our lives are like flowers of the grass with the wind, eventually fade.
We are all pieces of society's torn fabric all a big puzzle trying to connect my piece of the puzzle with someone else's piece, there's a match for everything and everyone.
Don't forget to Breathe...Hold your breath, now exhale.
Have hope to believe when common sense tells you to quit.
You just have to work at it and maybe after 700 no's and 1,000 ignored emails. After a while, someone will finally say YES!
On the contrary; are you willing to be turned down multiple times and told no or will you remain diligent in your pursuit to get what you believe you are entitled to by doing the required part? (The work) Success suck but somebody's gotta work.
It's called SUCC ess for a reason it Suck doing the work but somebody's got to do it.
Contrary: opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.
"He ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal to help in the matter.
To be diligent means action that is characterized by a steady, earnest, and energetic effort to accomplish a task that has been undertaken.
Examples: After many hours of diligent research, the students were ready to compile their results after the bar exam.
Thanks to everyone of you as well who are called on this journey to induce something new into the market place.
Thanks for your patience and your support in advance!
Mental Health Awareness. imaginewin1@gmail.com
Help me help you help us!
Each one teach one too reach one
until we all are one!
"Improving Mental Health one click at a time brought to you by itsartonline.com
MHM'S are good to use as your own mental health meditation when life calls for the need to relax and reflect.
The umbrella represents the external distractions and the uncertainness of life's forecast constantly changing.
Meanwhile, guarding the mind by reminding yourself to walk by faith and not by sight, guard and protect your mind and the things you allow to enter into it.
The umbrella helps to shield and protect the primary control center which is the mind, from being or becoming discouraged by these inevitable situations concerning life's forecast.
"Ride the wave young kiddo is what my old man you to tell me.
It might seem unfair but It's just the waves of life don't panic."
We are souls occupying a natural being in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teachers, spiritual beings having a human experience: spiritual species wrapped in human flesh and blood. The dominant substance we're made from is around 70% waterH20.
"Knowing that we never just arrive but we're always arriving."
One must remember although circumstances can bring about mental meltdowns it's really about redirecting your mind on things that matter and what really matters is not what you think all the time or how you feel most of the time.
Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.
Think on these things, when you start looking at things different, the things you're looking at will change.
Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report.
If there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things and may the God of peace be with you.
Choosing to be happy by living free from mental torment is a choice with no need to apologize. It is our right but you have to own it by walking away from the crowd to gather a peace of mind.
Then will you begin to realize you are in this place of solidarity and preparation to prepare you for the final transition to the next level.
Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God
and he will exalt you in due time.
Everything isn't meant to be taken personal that may happen negative to you. Some things happen to help propel you to the next level to prepare you for an expected timely season.
In everything give thanks and be appreciative this will help detach you from disappointments and from worry from unfulfilled wants or assumed desires never promised.
Nothing is guaranteed.
Stress: A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adversity or very demanding circumstances.
"He's obviously under a lot of stress"
Always remember everything has a way of working itself out.
Some things must happen in order for greater things to happen but you must believe this and strive to protect your peace of mind by leaving your past behind.
Learn to take people at face value. Try not to make assumptions based on what you think all the time.
Remember most people are not mind readers
say what's troubling you then apply 5% percent course
corrections to correct the situation from getting worse and eventually, consuming you.
These thoughts of being judge mental can keep you in a place of stinking thinking mentally and won't allow you to enjoy your peace of mind because you are now on a one track mind to the same conclusion. Instead of choosing to hurt, allow
yourself to escape mental torment and finally, be loved.
At this stage in life you deserve it, to love yourself, and if not now, when? I'm your biggest supporter, cause I told you first.
Meaning it's not about you and what you want all the time. Relationships consist of giving and receiving with respect to communicate and forgiveness to be forgiven.
This could be associated with any relationship family or other.
When you don't respect your relationships it will lead to rejection, and whatever's rejected will eventually exit, out of your life.
No person can allow two things to occupy their mind at once. Negative or positive is virtually a decision that will manifest in ones actions and attitude.
A ship needs balance and your mental state of mind will help to keep you buoyant and at peace from day to day.
buoy·ant: able or apt to stay afloat or rise to the top of a body of water.
Don't carry old hurt and past memories into your new season with someone else but instead release those toxic thoughts through prayer and supplication.
The umbrella represents the external distractions and the uncertainness of life forecasts that are constantly changing.
The umbrella symbolizes protection to shield the primary control center which is the mind from being or becoming affected by unwanted distractions such as negative thinking.
These are trials like inevitable situations that will happen in life. The umbrella is a symbol of whatever you see it as.
Empty the negative trash bin of your mind from all that stinking thinking, because it will eventually spoil and ruin you too if you don't purge out old negative thoughts in your mind and leave the past behind.
"God grant me the serenity to except the things I can't change
courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know
the difference."
Remember, you are only as blessed as you claim you are and you can only be as limited, as you think you are.
Whether you think you CAN or think you CAN'T...
Remember you're right!
You're creator created you as part of his creation to be creative so create through creativity.
Get motivated with core deliberate actions and start duplicating the best duplication of yourself now by doing what you last promised yourself you would do and find yourself doing it!
I believe in you but you have to be the one who believe before anyone else will invest in you.
At least 15-45 minutes everyday of what you do well will keep you semi engaged with something until it become fostered into a pattern or hobby turned into streams of passive income and opportunities.
Location location is important but routine
routine routine routine is what pays the bills,
remember that kids.
This is a good algorithm for life in general. It's been said if you can make a living doing what you love to do (passionately)
you'll never really work another day in your life.
Nature shows us patterns of seed time and harvest everyday by repeating cycles. The sun it also rises and the sun goeth down
It hastens to it's place from where it arose without a sound.
We should try observing and learning from repetition.
rep·e·ti·tion the action of repeating something that has already been said or written.: the act or an instance of repeating or being repeated. : a motion or exercise done repetitiously.
Try using the 5% course correction strategy to begin your course of improvements. We are who and what we do consistently on a regular basis.
An example is If you can reduce a problem from increasing
by 5-10% you prevent the chance of it becoming worse.
An example could be trying to reduce the constant washing of dishes or cleaning regularly by maintaining them as you use them.
You may consider wanting to wash as you dirty the dishes to keep them from building up to 30-50% from a lack of not using the 5% course corrections.
Handle matters early to prevent them from overwhelming you later by demanding 60% of your time 3hrs. trying to correct the matter versus spending 10% or 15 minutes to correct them early.
The 5% course correction rule is making the attempt to correct bad habits by replacing them with new positive good ones.
When you make these 5% course corrections or adjustments you are creating problem solving memory methods for working smarter, not harder.
You are ultimately changing the course of doing things the same way and practicing new an improved ways of doing them.
Re-in-vent: to change (something) so much that it appears to be entirely new. An example to take up a very different job or way of life. To choose to make a path others can follow versus go down the same path someone else has made.
Ultimately, incorporating and reinventing a new defined you!
#ITSARTONLINE Domain Campaign Slogan #BEFREEIN2023
Purchase the song By Faith in stores now.
Essentially, you need to always challenge yourself to be better. Compete with yourself, learn to be happy for others.
Let not hate or jealousy be once even named among you.
Don't hate strive to be great!
Be the change you want to see by working for what you want to increase your options of chose and family time enjoyment "increased opportunities for leisure time"
opportunity afforded by free time to do something.
"writers with enough leisure to practice their art"
You wouldn't believe it although a man declared it unto you.
Options: pick out or select (someone or something) as being the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives.
Excellence is not an act but a habit.
An habitual subconscious consistent
disposition of constant routine is the catalyst to staying on
a positive track for living your dream.
H.O.P.E is Having Optimistic Predetermined Expectations
to believe when common sense tells you not to.
Your hidden potential mixed with faith and curious impulses fueled by passion is the foundation to the root to your fruit!
Until then, you might not ever get it, until you start seeing it right. It's all in the way you perceive things that ultimately determine how you receive things.
An example might be going as far as this web-site to write in this presentation template entitled itsartonline.com
and having the determination to use as my own personal vision board of idea, turned into substance seen.
You have to see it first through the eyes of faith in order to see in due time. Like they say..."If you build it, they'll come!"
Remember, your attitude determines your altitude and everyone doesn't have to like you.
Just as long as the right person likes you!
This is my pledge to tell my own story rather anyone trying to tell it for me through their temporary lens of knowing of me.
Besides the grave yards are full of deceased individual's
who thought about it, but went to sleep still dreaming about it never seeing their dream come into fruition.
"I'm your youngest, eldest brother Elder Palmer, but
you still wouldn't believe it although a man declared it unto you." Buy faith get it now to work for you later.
"Again, sorry for the wait."
We're only expressed images of our thoughts and choices.
Hopefully, my best work reflects my heavenly father and help someone else see themselves as someone who could do anything you put your mind to.
The man upstairs is (The brain) but without him and the
help of others you can't do nothing.
However, a visionary need someone to help them to conceptualize their ideas, helping them to actually bring it forth into the seen realm.
I will have this epic experience moment unfold.
To say the least this only compliments my relentless story with intents and efforts to turn ambition into meaning.
Virtually, you have to see it, before you can actually see it!
In order to produce anything outwardly
you must put in the work inwardly first.
Reading Food4Thought Easy ReadersConsumption
is a good place to start if you're ever gonna get started.
Passion usually is harnessed within for so long until made manifest. (Musical Masterpiece!) By Faith enjoy!
When you mix concentrated ambition with works it becomes the breeding ground for manifestations.
Faith without works is dead.
It's the ability to demonstrate a visual proof as the result of one's faith or inward passion.
Manifestations are man's manifest blueprint proof,
that he's indeed a man in his stages of becoming better.
You can't produce anything on the outside,
that you lack on the inside.
Assets, property, goods, estates or wealth is all substances that derived from thoughts of ones mind.
Show me your faith and I will show you my works by my faith.
Hebrews 11:1-2 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
For by it the Elders obtained a good report.
Buy the song By Faith and thanks for the support!
Notice the many attributes and components of the word
faith which is the acronym for...
Foreseeing All Impossibilities Through Hope.
Faith is physical tangible proof of actual things.
FAITH IS NOW meaning something you can feel, see or touch.
FAITH IS A SUBSTANCE .. Assets, wealth, property ect.
equivalent = to something you can see or behold.
Faith also knows like seasons words take time to develop.
Meaning you may not have your desired expectation fully seen now but like fruit that grows from a tree it's starts with
a seed, then the blade, then the rain then the light from the sun. Finally, next the full ear of corn.
Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
You only get back what you put in and until you apply knowledge or until you activate power by turning the power switch on you have no-thing or nothing, powerless.
Faith are things no longer hoped for, meaning its already here
and now has become the evidence of things
that were once not seen.
Hope is something that you wish for while yet waiting
but faith is actually having it in real time. Doing something more than just hoping or wishing it come true rather helping it with a little more extra added sum-thing.
Transmuted evidence of actual things, finally seen!
One can only produce the attributes of faith by a steady constant effort to accomplish their desired manifestations.
Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please
God for he that come to him must believe that he is
and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
The word faith can be accompanied or associated by other different meanings like faith to believe in the truth or the promise of the covenant concerning the promise
of salvation and the blueprint for man's redemption by excepting this precious gift of love. The son of God Jesus.
(Salvation means to be saved from destruction and at peace or At-one-ment:) Passover or Past Over= from death to life.
Stay humble and detach yourself from the outcome
and let the outcome attach itself to you.
"When you change the way you look at things
the things you're looking at will change." ~Wayne Dyer
Wisdom is the principal thing.
Therefore, get wisdom and in all your getting, get an understanding.
My advice to you is to invest in yourself and remember you are enough!
I AM enough.
The universe is waiting on you to finally (Dis-cover) what was once
covered concerning you.
Nobody can do it alone. Everyone needs someone to help them with something sometimes.
I asked a millionaire what was the formula to wealth and success, he briefly answered, hard work and a good team.
It's okay if you've been doing the same thing for past ten years straight.
Just don't continue doing it the same way the next ten expecting significant change.
This is considered insanity doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
In order to get into a place of actualization or manifestation you must be willing to continue moving forward.
I was too afraid that the people to whom I've disclosed some of my best work and ideas would use it without including me.
The problem the whole time was procrastination and a lack of resourceful contacts to help me move forward.
So this would lead to a relentless lucid state of focus that became my bottom line....by all means.
The fear of knowing someone else was utilizing my ideas and profiting off my work motivated me to get uniformed and start working smarter not harder.
I'd rather tried and failed then to have failed and never tried at all.
Furthermore, there is nothing more rewarding than to achieve something that has been earned by putting forth the effort till you've accomplished it.
It's better to have sown good in the field, than to have gone through life never planting a seed at all.
The word success is better explained by the first four letters....SUCC-E$$
SUCC-ESS... That's right IT SUCK doing the work
but somebody's gotta do it!
$Learn2earncash is my cash app info: Be free in 2023 do more in 2024.
You must put in the time and effort to earn the last two letters of success later $$!
It's the 20-80% rule to remember in life, you WIN half of the battle just by showing up.
If you continue to do the 15-20% of the maintenance of the work then the upkeep of your duties won't seem as hard everyday.
It's up to you to continue to maintain it everyday by repeating the process work smarter not harder.
At least 5 to 20% everyday of attending to the work short term will prevent you
from hard work and excessive labor longterm. This can be applied to any situation small conversations and communication
can eliminate potential bigger matters from occurring.
Like doing laundry the more dirty garments the longer it will take washing multiple loads.
Opposed to only washing one load, it will take less time doing the laundry
while enabling more time for other things.
True success is really learning how to create leisure time by no longer exchanging your time for money.
Having to do more work while spending more time doing it is time consuming and depleting
physically and emotionally draining. Minimize so that you can maximize your full potential
and learn to stop exchanging your time for monetary profit.
Keep doing the 5 to 20% percent everyday to change the course of the narrative
making you the one in control of the work instead of the work overwhelming you.
Keep following the routine until you've reached a place where you have control
and established leisure time while making time for other things, like art and music.
Remember, whatever you're not using your losing, so work smarter and not harder.
This is doing what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do.
Let your expectations for change lead you in ways that help make those expectations come true.
Stay hungry and stay thirsty but remember to sip the profit
and not to consume it all overnight from a lack of self-discipline.
"Pace yourself, so you can lace yourself."
"Do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do."
"Do what you gotta do, so you can live how you deserve to live."
Read Food4Thought Easy Readers Consumption
for 90 days and begin to develop new concepts and ideas that can ultimately change the course of your life.
"The reason I write is for those who lose sight, so that someday they might choose a path that is bright."
Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.
This means spend more time blessing and less time stressing!
Whatever you do keep being fruitful and multiplying your efforts to yield good fruit which is man's duty.
Life is summed up in following the instructions of the man upstairs and his blueprint pattern as
life's instruction book on how to live meaningful with a purpose, while on this journey.
Thanks to the vision of GODaddy and their collaborations and team by allowing me to connect
through this portal of communication.
We are indeed improving communication effectiveness in real time with the intent
that someone reading this will benefit when mixed with faith and works.
Make your next move your best move! Think big and live even bigger!
Momentum is letting the controlled force come to you rather than you trying to force it.
FOOD4THOUGHT EASY READERS CONSUMPTION is the HallMark of my explanation concerning how I plan to execute
this formula and the reason you see it in the form of a site..
"We never just arrive but we're always arriving."
(M.H.M.S) Mental Health Meditation Minutes is therapy for the heart, mind and spirit.
T.E.A.M Together Everyone Achieves More!
Thanks to NCM again thanks a good kind friend for helping to enhance the presentation by fourty percent.
This website is for people from all walks of life. A special thanks to this superior web-site design team.
Those who have been misunderstood, misinformed, uninformed or mis-guided or just can enjoy a good read.
Some of the commentary in red was used as reference points added by Oxford dictionary.
Definitions from Oxford Languages
I dedicate this commentary journal to everyone who has shown courtesy and respect throughout my interactions with young teenagers through the years of teaching in high schools even my own children.
Sorry for the wait, but it would be remiss of me not to include a special thanks for Learning Centers such as St. Joseph Public Library staff supporters and the provisions they supply in helping others achieve success on their journey.
ItsArtOnline Domain Campaign Slogan Be Free in 2023 & Do more in 2024 We arrive in 2025 Seasons will eventually change.
I appreciate everyone who has ever helped me on my journey along the way. "Pace yourself so you can lace yourself"
Here's a FREE manuscript Written, Published and Administrated for the youth from ItsArtOnline intended to identify to whom it may concern.
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